Samstag, 30. April 2016

Ft. Ogden, Florida, United Methodist Chuch

United Methodist Church, Ft. Odgen, oil on Panel, 12x9 inches
Plein air painting
Thank you for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for pricing

Donnerstag, 28. April 2016

What will my future be

will there be liberty for me, watercolor, 56x38 cm
What will my future be, will there be liberty for me.
Thank you for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please contact me here.

Mittwoch, 27. April 2016


Garlic, oil on Panel, 8x8 inches
Thanks for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for pricing

Sonntag, 24. April 2016


at dawn, oil on Panel, 8x8 inches
wonderful moody colors at dawn
Thank you for viewing my art. Ifyou are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for pricing.

Samstag, 23. April 2016

Tropical Sunset

Beautiful light and shadow situation at sunset time
Thank you for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchsaing this painting please click here for pricing

Freitag, 22. April 2016

The little shed

my plein air Setup
The little shed, oil on Panel, 9x12 inches


Plein Air painting at Artists Acres in Englewood, Florida. A  wonderful an inspring place for artists.
Thank you for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for pricing

Donnerstag, 21. April 2016

Bay Preserve at Osprey

Bay Preserve at Osprey, oil on Panel, 9x12 inches
Plein air painting done with the Peace River Painters of Soutwest Florida. A wonderful garden with a Manson at Osprey.
Thank you for viewing my art . If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for preicing.

Montag, 18. April 2016

My Teddy

My Teddy, watercolor, 22x15 inches
My Teddy, my best friend, joy, love and hugs to him
Thank you for viewing my art, If you are intereted in purchasing this watercolor please contact me here

Dienstag, 12. April 2016


Bushfire, oil on canvas, 90x70 cm
Thank you for viewing my art, If you are interested in purchasing this painting please contact me here.

Samstag, 9. April 2016

Leaves in a puddle

dancing leaves. watercolor, 11x25 inches
After a heavy rain, there were some leaves from last fall swimming in a puddle. It looked like if they were dancing, blowing from the wind, from one side to the other.
Thank you for viewing my art. If you ar interested in purchasing this painting please contact me here.

Mittwoch, 6. April 2016

Peonies and Tangerines

Peonies and Tangerines, oil on Panel, 12x16 inches
Still life set up on a sunny afternoon
Thank you for viewing my art, if you are interested in purchsing this paintingplese click here for pricing

Montag, 4. April 2016

Who´s there

Whoßs there, oil on Panel, 8x8 inches
The ferret is the domesticated form of the European polecat, a mammal belonging to the same genus as the weasel. Painted this one for the DPW Challenge "The Ferret Challenge".
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