Montag, 28. November 2016

Reflections at Shell Creek

Reflections at Shell Creek, oil on Panel, 9x12 inches
plein air at Shell Creek, Florida
Thank you for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for further information

Samstag, 26. November 2016

Seagull Study

Seagull Study, watercolor, 30x20 cm
Seagull study at Manasota Beach, Florida
Thank you for viewing my art. If you are intersted in purchasing this study, please click here for further information


Together, oil on Panel, 9x12 inches
Paintied during the Arcadia Paint Out. The two Palm trees Standing together caught my eyes.
Thank you for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for further information

Freitag, 25. November 2016

The red door

The red door, oil on Panel, 16x8 inches
Painted during the Arcadia Paint Out 2016
Thank you for viewing my art, if you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for further information

Donnerstag, 24. November 2016

The old barn at Florida Hwy 70

the old barn oil on Panel, 9x12 inches

Driving on  Florida Hwy70 beside the street there is this old barn, that took my attention, plein air, oil on Panel. Thank you for viewing my art.
If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for further information

Dienstag, 22. November 2016

At the end of a beautiful day

At the end of a beautiful day, oil on Panel, 8x8 inches
Thank you for viwing my art. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for further information

The Turquoise Pot

The Turqouise Pot, oil on Panel, 12x9 inches
Plein Air pating with the Peace River painters at Pottery Express, Punta Gorda, Florida
Thank you for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for further information

Sonntag, 20. November 2016

Sand dunes at Coquina Beach, Florida

Sand dunes at Coquina Beach, oil on Panel, 8x16 inches
Plein air painting early morning at Coquina Beach, Florida.The moon was still to see at the sky and far away at the horizon line there was a hazy athmosphere I wanted to catch.
Thank you for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for further information

Freitag, 18. November 2016

Shrimper at Trisco

Shrimper at Trisco, oil on Panel, 9x12 inches
plein air painting at Trisco, Fort Myers Beach, late afternoon, just before the sunset started. There was this orange-yellow sky. Thank you for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for further Information.

Donnerstag, 17. November 2016

before the sun sets

before the sun sets, oil on Panel, 6x6inches
Every afternoon at the Gulf of Mexico there is another spectacular early evening sky before the sun sets. Thank you for viewing my art. If you are intereted in purchsaing this painting please click here for further information

Mittwoch, 16. November 2016

St. Charles Bridge Prague

St. Charles Bridge Prague, oil on Panel, 8x8 inches

Study of St.Charles Bridge in Prague. Thank you for viewin my art.

At Rest

At Rest, oil on Panel, 20x24 inches
Sailing Boat at rest near Bowditch Park, in the back Mantanzas Pass Bridge, Fort Myers Bridge, plein air , oil on Panel
Thank you for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for further information

Dienstag, 15. November 2016


Shadowpatterns,oil on Panel, 16x8 inches
Bowditch Park, Fort Myers, Florida. Path to the beach. Painted at the "Paint the Beach Fort Myers Paint Out"
Thank you for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for further information

Montag, 14. November 2016

Sunset at Fort Myers Beach

sunset at Fort Myers Beach, oil on Panel, 8x16 inches

Last Wednesday there was the Sundowner Event at Fort Myers Beach in which I participated. 60 artists tried  plein air to catch the sunset at Fort Myers Beach from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm. Afterwords the paintings have been juried and I am very happy to have received the first place in this event with my painting shown above.
Thank you for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchsaing this painting please click here for further information

Sonntag, 6. November 2016

At Rest

At Rest, oil on Panel, 8x8 inches
Plein Air study of a shrimper.
Thank you for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for further information

Freitag, 4. November 2016


Shadows, oil on Panel, 5x7 inches

Little study at Fort Myers Beach, Bowditch Park
Thank you for viewing my art. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please click here for further information